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Youth & Adult Sunday School 9:00-10:00am beginning Sept. 22 (please use NW nursery door to enter)
Classrooms and Locations:
Nursery (when available) (Infants through age 3 - still in diapers) Nursery room; North gym hallway
PreK - Kindergarten North gym hallway
1st/2nd Grade South gym hallway
3rd Grade South gym hallway
4th/5th Grade South gym hallway
6th-8th Grade South gym hallway
Adult Classes Activity Room/Gym
Classes run 9:00-10:00am.
Children through Kindergarten must picked up (older siblings show on the registration form may pick up).
Please pick up your children no later than 10:05am.
Parents of nursery age children should help their child take a bathroom break before church.
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